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Is porn a moral vice? Apparently not!

Last night pornstar and ex-teacher Johnny Anglais beat Vivienne Pattison, the director of Media Watch UK, and others at the debate 'This House Believes Pornography is a Moral Vice' held by Trinity College Dublin.  Johnny said it was a clear show of hands in support of Anglais' side. Yippee!

Trinity College Dublin held another porn debate 'This House Believes Porn Damages Society' where The Sexademic Jessi Fischer and pornstar Johnny Anglais beat psychotherapist Trish Murphey and others, to oppose the motion. Both Jessi and Johnny had appeared alongside Anna Arrowsmith (Span) at Cambridge University, which was another debate the pro-porn side won. It seems they are an unstoppable team!

Another win for Johnny Anglais (that's four so far!) supporting the porn industry at Queen Mary College, UCL for the debate 'Britain Should Ban Pornography'. Nice one Johnny!

This is a retrospective post to commemorate the debate that inspired the birth of this site. Jessi Fischer, Anna Arrowsmith, Johnny Anglais comfortably beat anti porn campaigners Shelly Lubben, Gail Dines and psychologist  Dr Richard Woolfson. If you would like to view the debate in full, click here.

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